CalChamber Bill Positions

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AB 2182   Wicks D   -  ( Amended: 4/27/2022   html   pdf )
Topic:  Discrimination: family responsibilities.

Status:  5/27/2022-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(b)(11). (Last location was A. APPR. SUSPENSE FILE on 5/11/2022)
Location:  5/27/2022-A. DEAD

Position:  Oppose
Priority:  Job Killer 2022
Assigned:  Ashley Hoffman 

Expansion of Duty to Accommodate Employees and Litigation Under FEHA. Imposes new burdens on employers to accommodate any employee with family responsibilities, which will essentially include a new, uncapped protected leave for employees to request time off and exposes employers to costly litigation under the Fair Employment and Housing Act by asserting that any adverse employment action was in relation to the employee’s family responsibilities, rather than a violation of employment policies.

Position Letters:
Coalition Letter to Assembly Appropriations Committee 5.6.22
Updated Coalition Letter to Assembly Judiciary Committee 4.29.22
Coalition Letter to Assembly Judiciary Committee 4.26.22
Coalition Letter to Assembly Labor & Employment Committee 3.23.22
Letter to Author 3.23.22

Bill Versions:
04/27/2022 Amended
02/15/2022 Introduced

Bill Analyses:
05/09/2022 Assembly Appropriations  (text 4/27/2022)
04/29/2022 Assembly Judiciary  (text 4/27/2022)
03/28/2022 Assembly Labor And Employment  (text 2/15/2022)

Bill Votes:
05/03/2022 Asm. Jud. (Y:7 N:2 A:1) (P)
03/30/2022 Asm. L. & E. (Y:4 N:2 A:0) (P)